13 december 2006

Och Borat jobbar numera på Lippupalvelu

Jag måste bara citera ett förvirrat telefonsamtal min sambo hade med en dam på Lippupalvelu, som alltså är de som säljer biljetter till eurovisot i Helsingfors:

- Could you please check my booking, ref nr xx00?
- No I do not see your booking. No wait you have 5 packages.
- Yes I would like to inquire if you could send the tickets by mail, because our e-mail is not always reliable.
- Yes yes we will send you the ticket by e-mail.
- But could you please send the tickets by ordinary mail?
- Yes we send you the tickets by e-mail and you can print the tickets yourself.
- But could you send me the tickets by post, by a registered letter?
- Yes if you like. Yes, when can we have the tickets please. Wait a moment...

3 minuter senare:
- Are you still there? Yes. It is ok now, I am sending you the tickets by post. Thank you bye bye. Bye Bye.

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